Thursday 24 February 2011


This has been a week of results - some good and some bad! My day 21 blood tests came back with no action needed and a progesterone level that indicates ovulation. However, this wasn't our month but I have a positive feeling about the future.

I've also had an ultrasound and injections to the tendons in my foot. The ultrasound showed one of the tendons has split and another tendon group is scarred and inflamed. I've  had  5 ml of steroid injected into each tendon to lift them off the bone which should help but I am in agony at the moment and haven't made it to work as I can't walk at all!!!!!!!! The hope is that the injections will relieve my pain but I see another big op looming :(


Thursday 17 February 2011

Day 21

So today, I had my day 21 blood which is our first step on the road to fertility tests. It should have been a quick job, pop in to the doctors, have my blood taken and then back to work. However, I got there to find my appointment had been cancelled and I was told I had been telephoned. Um.. no, otherwise I wouldn't have hobbled my way there (on crutches at the moment!). Fortunately, I was slotted in with the nurse practitioner so all worked out in the end! Not sure when the results will be back but fingers crossed!

Recipe success of the week: Sticky chocolate brownies - hubby said they are as good as shop bought. However, had a complete failure with lemongrass chicken and potato and spring vegetable tortilla.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Where to start?

I've been thinking about blogging for some time and have finally bitten the bullet to do. Why now? Life seems to have reached a point where writing things down seems right.

I've been married for nearly two years (thinking of cotton or china presents!) and we have been trying for a baby for a year with no success. After an emotional rollercoaster last month, we decided to take a break for POAS and charting (me!) and, well hubby doesn't really do anything apart from the deed and taking a zinc tablet once a day. However, it as it has been a year, it is time for the chat with the GP. This happened last week and she was lovely. She has had her own TTC troubles and was both reassuring and frank. So, I am having my 21 day blood test this week and hubby will have to give a sample of his ahem once registered at the practice. Despite the possible enormity of what we may encouter in the future, I feel calm and relaxed.

The things distracting me are potential surgery on tendons in my ankle following an injury nine years ago and my final Open University course. My plan is to work as a hard as possible around a stressful full time job to get the best mark and hopefully a good final degree.

So that's me at the moment.......spending Sunday with hubby ironing shirts, our furbaby Gilbert the cat (who is a girl) sleeping next to my head and me writing this. Hopefully, this is the first of many blogs!

Take care,

S xx